Being your best self:

Has anyone ever told you to be your “best self” before? This is an interesting concept, and a fairly popular paradigm in leadership today. While I totally agree with the concept: What part of you is the best? Be the best self you can be…who you were “designed” to be..working in your strengths”…we need to consider a few things first.

One, do you really believe that the word best applies to you?

Some people are “stuck” in a mentality that no matter how hard they try, they tend to be mediocre, or barely making the grade. This mentality is a common one as these days the word “best” means something that is only attainable by the 1% of people that have rock star looks, tons of money, or unimaginable resources that the rest of society lacks. Being your best is more than measuring up against an unrealistic standard set by someone else.

Two, do you really know what your strengths are?

Do you know what things you do that leave you stronger when you are done doing them? Knowing your strengths begins the journey towards being your best self.

Third, Do you believe in yourself?

Do you believe that what you have to offer really matters? If you don’t, your best self will never show itself. 

So…to be your best self, realize that you have something to offer, find out what your strengths are, and take the risk to do what you do with confidence and zeal. Don’t worry if you don’t look like the hot new celebrity of the day or that you aren’t as rich as Warren Buffet. What you possess that makes you great will be great when you start walking the path of being your best self.

Tom Darling

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